How to Register with Aduana in Bolivia

Bolivian Law now requires all importers to register with Aduana. An importer is defined as anyone receiving an international delivery/package, and is further defined by habitual importer and occasional importer. Habitual importers will require a fundempresa registration. The following step-by-step process applies to occasional importers living in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The registration process should be very similar regardless of city, but all geographical references are specific to Cochabamba. The deadline for this registration is 29 May, 2010, and registration is currently free. Registration will theoretically be closed by June, but will probably be available with a large fine / multa.

  1. Go to the website:
    Click: “Version Liviana” to enter main website
    Click: “Plataforma de Atención al Cliente
    Click: “REGISTRO DE IMPORTADORES – Formulario 170”
    Complete online forms. The questions for “fundempresas” are optional.
    After submitting the form, click to view the completed form.
    Print 2 copies.
  2. Collect 2 photocopies each of:
    Carnet or Passport used for the registration
    Gas or Electric bill to prove your address. Name of owner (if you rent) is irrelevant.
    Sign each copy (total 6 pages: 2 forms, 2 ID, 2 bills) with your signature, your printed full name, and your ID # in the margin. Official notarization is not required.
  3. In the morning: go to the Aduana headquarters at:
    Victor Ustares Km. 7.5 and Camino a Quillacollo. Phone: 411-5872.
    It is a large center on the south side of the street across and diagonal from Agencias Generales.
    Submit your Photo ID card (carnet or driver’s license, NOT your passport) to the official guard at a desk inside to building to the immediate right of the main glass doors.
    Specify that you want to register as an importer and would like to enter the fila. Ask when the office opens. The answer is probably 2:00pm.
  4. Go through the large internal glass doors at the back of the building. To the left is a small photocopy and snack stand.
    Purchase a manila folder with a ganchita – built-in prongs to hold papers. Do not hole-punch your copies, just put them inside the folder.
  5. Return to Aduana at 2:00pm and wait at the Uso window to the right of the room.
    Your name will be called from the stack of photo IDs.
    Submit your folder with all signed copies.
    Provide your croquis: indicate to the officer your street and cross streets so that he can sketch a rough map of your home address.

Recommended Taxi Driver who knows the location:
Marco Zelaya, cell phone: 793-99289
Marco is an old friend who shuttled me all over town as we figured out this process… if you’re even the slightest bit unsure, hire him! He’s worth the extra few dollars!

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