Our Wednesday Evenings…

On Wednesday nights here in Cochabamba we host a one-hour study and worship service in English. The idea is this: the Christian community, and particularly the missionary community, spends Sundays (and most of the week) ministering to other people – Bolivian churches, orphanages, etc. Our Wednesday evening is a time when those people can gather together and be ministered to.

We arrange the big room downstairs so that the chairs are in a half-circle shape through the middle. I took some videos this week from the hallway, looking right through the center. The space is starting to get a bit cramped, so the hallway was where I could camp out without distracting everyone with the camera!

Nicholas Leading Music at Wednesday Study from Lorien Johnson on Vimeo.

Dad on “Moral Truths” from Lorien Johnson on Vimeo.

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