Google makes me happy. So happy, in fact, that for the first time since I've had my own computer (what, a decade?), I have made something other than my own website my browser homepage. Welcome to I-Google. I-Google has a fox who owns a tea house and likes to play the guitar for the ducks after he does his laundry. I-Google is pretty. I-Google integrates the beautiful Google Reader.
Best of all, the Tea House Fox's universe changes in tandem with mine. Look!
When I wake up, Mr. Fox is up and ready for his day.
Once I'm sufficiently awake to begin my work, so is Mr. Fox!
My morning's work complete, and I'm feeling peckish. Time for tea and crumpets! Mr. Fox has similar ideas.
As the sun is beginning to set, I leave my office to help fix dinner for my siblings, and Mr. Fox tends to his duck-friends.
The evening is no time for work! Time to listen to David Gray. The ducks need not own iPods, however, as they have Mr. Fox!
Once night is in full swing, I need only look out my windows to see the fires on the mountains of Cochabamba, the happily-too-bright stars in the sky, or the brightly flickering lights on the city hills. Mr. Fox's tea house is alight with paper lanterns, which is very nearly as nice.
And so, yes, indeed. I-Google is love.