I’m being billed $60 for water damage and mold on a book that I checked out? I. Think. Not.
Unfortunately, I suspect that when I go in to tell them that:
- They need to cancel the $170 that they billed to the bursar’s office when I had paid the full fines last week, fines which had then amounted to $133.75.
- I want to check-in about 20 books, pay the late fees ($3ish), and immediately check them back out.
… that perhaps they won’t believe that my penchant for keeping books months later than I’m allowed to keep them is in fact evidence to how I would never allow mold to develop in a book. Rather, that particular book gave me a horrible headache because of its pre-existing mold during the all-nighter I pulled to complete that paper on the perpetually unmet Mazlowian needs of Bolivians.
and now I have another headache.