Pattern of a Broken Brain

  1. Watch Corinne Bailey Rae’s “Put Your Records On” video. Go, “hmm! Is it time for another Lilith Fair musical cycle?”
  2. Download an assortment of Corinne’s music.
  3. Listen to “Enchantment”. Notice that one of the background instrumental strains sounds very, very familiar.
  4. Spend a half hour hearing that melodic strain in brain. Over. and Over. It’s so pretty, and one know’s that it’s been heard before. But, where?
  5. Pour through personal musical archive, hoping that something will appear. No luck. Clearly, it must have been in the long lost “pop” audio subfolder. What could it have been?
  6. Oh! oh oh! okay! That one song! By that guy! crap! name?
  7. What was his one hit? This song was more obscure. But he had that one popular song! Hum. Lyric: “I know what you’re doin’, I see it all too clear.”
  8. Aha! Google! Barely Breathin’ by Duncan Sheik! Now! For the other song!
  9. Glance through the track lists for his records.
  10. “In the Absence of Sun”! Got it!
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