- Watch Corinne Bailey Rae’s “Put Your Records On” video. Go, “hmm! Is it time for another Lilith Fair musical cycle?”
- Download an assortment of Corinne’s music.
- Listen to “Enchantment”. Notice that one of the background instrumental strains sounds very, very familiar.
- Spend a half hour hearing that melodic strain in brain. Over. and Over. It’s so pretty, and one know’s that it’s been heard before. But, where?
- Pour through personal musical archive, hoping that something will appear. No luck. Clearly, it must have been in the long lost “pop” audio subfolder. What could it have been?
- Oh! oh oh! okay! That one song! By that guy! crap! name?
- What was his one hit? This song was more obscure. But he had that one popular song! Hum. Lyric: “I know what you’re doin’, I see it all too clear.”
- Aha! Google! Barely Breathin’ by Duncan Sheik! Now! For the other song!
- Glance through the track lists for his records.
- “In the Absence of Sun”! Got it!