
a) knitting is almost as good a distraction as pulpy reading.
b) when reading introductory booklet on how to knit, do not trust them when they say “use a knotted bulky weight yarn!” They lie. This yarn has extra loops that are tricksy and cause the loss of many a row.
c) book report is still not done. want to sleep.
d) families should not come a day early during midterms week.
e) it’s nice that I get an extra day with them.
f) too bad I’ll be in school that entire day.
g) my blue wall is fabulous.
h) when my parents are in town, I seem to get suddenly emo. To maintain sanity with my grandmother, I cannot confide or express deep emotions – everything must remain carefully shallow. Shallow doesn’t work with my parents. This means that when they visit I have crazy bursts of depression, mushy happiness and outrage. A release of stored energies. translation: I’m a mess.
i) This is a good thing. Otherwise… ugh.
j) How will I cope when they’re overseas?
k)I’d like to go to sleep, now.
l) book report is still not done.
m) I’d like to successfully stitch just one row.
n) must. write.

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