Fatal Flaw

I have a fatal flaw: a lifelong fear of being an imposition.

If I am with someone, I am likely worried that I am imposing. I generally do not accept halfway invites – rather, I pretend that I did not hear them as invites. This way, people have to be a little more decisive.

I am perfectly capable of making these decisions myself, and would prefer to… except I just don’t feel comfortable with the fatal flaw. Sometimes I do take up the halfway invites and force through a few decisions here and there. This results in additional worries.

I’m not certain how to combat this. Continual pursual of one of my larger goals – continued confidence and reliance in my excellent intuition – will aid this. I do suspect, however, that this is a lifelong trial.

So, right. If I am sounding standoffish, it’s because I am not certain of myself. I almost always have a preference one way or the other. I have no qualms about saying no. Thus, if I do not say no but instead let things pass, more likely than not? I would prefer to say yes.

The problem! Is! that too many people do not say yes when they really mean yes, and even more often, they do not say no when they really mean no. Which is just a disaster for us empathics and intuitives that hear your words and hear your emotions/tidal waves and sense a very definite gap. It is far too easy to get lost in the gullywash of stimuli and stall out there in the breach.

can I throw a few more metaphors into the mix?

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